
Whatsapp Status

WhatsApp has become an integral part of our daily lives, connecting us with friends, family, and colleagues.

One popular feature of WhatsApp is the status update, where users can share short and expressive messages that reflect their thoughts, moods, and experiences.

The collection of WhatsApp status offers a diverse range of messages that capture the essence of various emotions, occasions, and life experiences.

Whether you’re looking to share a thoughtful quote, a witty one-liner, or a heartfelt message, this collection provides an array of options to express yourself on WhatsApp.

हर तरफ फैली ये ? लाइलाज बीमारी है, कोरोना वायरस को ? घोषित करो की ये महामारी है।

तुम ## अच्छे हो तो बन के दिखाओ,
हम ## बुरे है तो साबित करो ..!!

A little jealousy is healthy in a relationship, its always good to know that someone is afraid to lose you.

कोरोना के डर से इतनी भी दूरी न बनाये, की आपका बाबू किसी और के काबू में आजाये

Doing nothing is a very hard thing to do…you never know when to finish.

#चाकू.. #खंजर.. #तीर.. और,
#तलवार.. लड़ रहे थे कि..,
कौन ज्यादा गहरा #घाव देता है,
#शब्द पीछे बैठे.. मुस्कुरा रहे थे..।

Love is all you need.

I love buying new things but I hate spending money.

Thin, I am quick; fat, I am slow.

Do Not Wait For Time. Just Make It… ?

I am not lazy, I just rest before I tired.

मिठाईयों का हो ओवर फ्लों ? मस्ती हो कभी ना लो,रंग और गुलाल का सुरुर छाया रहे पॉकेट में भरी माया रहेगुड़ लक की हो बौछार आया ? होली का प्योहार।

“We are not ignorant; we are ignoring, which is even more dangerous.

I enjoy when people show Attitude to me coz it shows that they need an Attitude to impress me!

“Everyone else is busy dating, breaking up and making up. I’m still trying to figure out how to wake up before 10 o’clock.”

I’M Good Person With Bad Attitude.

no road is too long when you have good company.

मैं हर पल झूकी और लोग सज़दा समज बैठे..
मैंने बस इन्सानियत निभाई पर लोग खुद को खुदा समज बैठे…

I didn’t change, I just grew up. You should try it once.


WhatsApp statuses have become a creative and engaging way to express ourselves and share our thoughts with others. The WhatsApp Status collection offers a variety of messages that cater to different moods, occasions, and interests.

From inspirational quotes to funny anecdotes, from emotional reflections to celebratory messages, these statuses allow you to communicate your thoughts, share moments of joy, and connect with others in a unique way.

Whether you’re looking to entertain, inspire, or simply let your loved ones know how you’re feeling, this collection provides a range of options to make your WhatsApp status truly reflective of your personality.