
11 Full Moon Quotes

Here is the 11 Full Moon Quotes.

The moon
puts on an elegant show,
different every time in shape,
color and nuance.

“Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss it you
will land among the stars.”
— Les Brown

“The moon looks upon many night flowers;
the night flowers see but one moon.”
– Jean Ingelow

If you shoot for the stars,
then at least you will get to the moon

“And if you are to love,
love as the moon loves;
it does not steal the night-
it only unveils the
beauty of the dark.”

You can be the moon
and still be jealous of the stars.

You have to walk through the
darkness in order to find the light.

“The moon lives in the lining of your skin.”
– Pablo Neruda

“The moon is the first milestone on the road to the stars.”
-Arthur C. Clarke

Also check all Quotes on Moon

Her beauty shines like the
moon’s light on the ocean.

At night when the stars light up my room,
I sit by myself talking to the moon.